Seminar 5: Shakespeare and the Visual Arts

Critical investigation into the rubric of “Shakespeare and the visual arts” has generally focused on the influence exerted by the works of Shakespeare on a number of artists, painters, and sculptors in the course of the centuries. Relying on the aesthetics of intertextuality and profiting from the more recent concepts of cultural mobility and permeability between cultures in the early modern period, this seminar will study instead the dramatic use and function of Renaissance material arts and artists in Shakespeare’s oeuvre. Among the great variety of possible topics, participants in the “Shakespeare and the visual arts” Seminar may like to consider:

  • the impact of optics and pictorial perspective;
  • anamorphosis and trompe l’oeil effects on the whole range of visual representation;  
  • the rhetoric of “verbal painting” in dramatic discourse;
  • the actual citation and intertextuality of classical and Renaissance artists;
  • the legacy of iconographic topoi;
  • the humanistic debate or Paragone of the Sister Arts;
  • the use of emblems and emblematic language;
  • explicit and implicit ekphrasis and ekphrastic passages in the plays
  • ekphrastic intertextuality, etc.

Registered participants are invited to submit by 10th August 2013 to the address below a one-page abstract of their proposed article on any aspect of the relationship between the age of Shakespeare and Renaissance arts, including the theoretical approach of the arts in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Every abstract (approx. 250 words) should include the participant’s name, email, affiliation, and title of the proposed contribution.

Prof. Michele Marrapodi
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche
Viale delle Scienze
90128 Palermo, Italy.
Email: [->]